Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:00 to 11:30 AM
5005 South Ferdinand St.
Seattle, WA 98118
Age: Must be 2½ and no older than 3½ by July 31st.
Crickets learn how to interact, negotiate and play with others. As they explore their world they begin to realize that it’s much more fun to play with a friend than to play alone. They learn how to form friendships and about other people’s feelings. Crickets start playing interactive games wth each other. They learn through stories, singing, play, art and games. Crickets are improving their large and fine motor skills daily and are learning to interact with their environment in new ways
Daily Class Schedule
We will meet at the beginning of each day to welcome children into the classroom. After singing and talking about the day’s activities, the teacher and assistant teachers will transition the children into free choice activities.
This is the most important part of the day! During this block of time, the children will choose among art and sensory activities, blocks, the water table, the dramatics center, puzzles and games, the library center, and much more. Many of these activities will relate to our present theme; some will be daily activities that are available throughout the year. Each child may choose to participate in several activities or concentrate on a particular center. The choice is up to the child.
We will meet for a few minutes each day to share news in the children’s lives. This time may also be spent acting out stories, reading, reciting finger plays and poems, and moving to music and rhythm.
After washing our hands, we will sit down to a snack that has been prepared by the children or snack parent. Snacks should be simple, nourishing finger foods (see SNACK SUGGESTIONS). Foods that relate to the season or our classroom themes are appreciated. All working parents are to sit down with the children at the tables where they can encourage the children to talk with one another and to help the children as needed.
After the children have cleaned up their snack area and put their place mats next to the sink, they will be dismissed to the big room for large motor activities, or instructed to put coats on for outdoor play at the park across the street. Please send a coat or sweatshirt to school each day.
Parents are welcome to come into the classroom for a last song and good-bye to our classmates.
Last updated: February 16th, 2023, 11:15 am
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